Small minded ignorance backed up by a healthy dose of redneck ego will provide you with people that always think there stuff is the best and there way is the only way. Just my take....
Combine this with the easily offended and all kind of neat things get posted.
I try to be careful and respectful to the folks I don't know but I can really pick at the folks I do know. I take a lot from them too but its ALWAYS in fun.
I have offended others when I was picking on buddies but that wasn't my intension and had to spend a little time explaining myself to clear things up with them before we were all good.
Hog hunter can just be too dang sensitive to begin with sometimes.
For example, I hunt BMC's. I can show you dozens of post flat out bashing them but I never took it personal and never got offended. It was good, objective posting and I appreciated their honesty and opinions even though I didn't agree with them on some things.
When I see folks get all pissed and the drama starts to just cracks me up!
Maybe Im not serious enough but I have been posting on this board for a few years now and no one has hurt my feelings yet. I can count all the times I have offended folks with my comments (that I know of) on two fingers and it was never my intension.
Lighten up people! If this offends you then PM me with the hate mail please. lol