i was just wondering because I thought this site was so then everyone could be helpful and be like a huge family
I know in my family you better be tough and have thick skin. As a kid I learned to shoot rubber bands and pop a towel. I was at the neighborhood pool and someone popped me with a towel so I popped back. Then everyone gathered around the other kid and started calling me mean because he was bleeding. That is how it is in my family. If someone grabs a bb gun you better grab one too or run. If you stand there and say how mean it is or some other junk you will just get shot. When we would wrestle in the house furniture would get knocked over and even the washing machine and dryer would get moved. So this is almost like my family

Just much nicer around here. Even my sister is meaner than most people on here

Things my family would say: Get over it. Suck it up. Quit your belly aching. Do I need to hit you again? I will give you a reason to to cry.
My boy was five when told his older brother; "That did not hurt. I did not feel a thing." I was so proud of him!
So when you say like a family who's family are you talking about?
Me I am like Ninja. I think it is funny. But I like to jump in just for fun.