whoo tmatt ur gonna be real popular fella pretty quick, i have one of them junk cur blue pits and i dnt mind taken him to the woods anytime! if u wanna go for hunt were rollen out this weekend in the canton area i think i have a 1% blue pit u may like to c
I dont know much about gator mouf or blue pits catchin, all i know is i wouldnt give .02 for all them gotti, razors edge and all the others sellin them for stupid amounts of money. Now....just for the record... This is just MY opinion, I dont like them and wouldnt have one as a gift. Not cause they are blue but cause they too short legged, too big headed, too broad chested. To "me" They wouldnt be worth .02 in the woods. Im talkin about these short legged bandog lookin pits, that have been bred for the blue color.
It blows my mind, at the prices i see on these dogs, because of color and a name. To me thats like goin and buyin a pair of jeans already wore out, and holes all in them, and payin 5 times more than what a new pair would cost. But thats just me, If thats what you like and you got the money and you feedin it, thats all that matters.
I like the jeep lookin pits, game bred dogs, no matter the color, but thats just me, what do i know?
i have a buddy that breeds gotti pits and they range for 1300 a piece, thats why i turned to bulldogs