I don't think we'll see weather that nice again until fall.
You know, we get into a lot of heated discussions over the rough vs loose dogs debate but I have to admit I really enjoy both. My personnal preference is to hunt with loose dogs with enough bottom to finsh a hog. I want/expect all of them to pull hair if the hogs tries to run but when its standing still I want them to back up and settle in. If I'm feeding them that's what I prefer. Having said that AaronBMC runs a rough pack of dogs. They bark as they move forward to bite and hold. Not my style but I really enjoy the change of pace. Getting watch a pack of rough dogs do their thing after putting up the loose dogs really keeps things interesting. Not that anyone really cares but it hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend.....I don't care what kind of dogs we are hunting,,,,I just like hunting hogs with dogs.