if u dont mind em yippin for a while they will figure it out just leave em.(or leave em on tha chain)
Like i said previously, i tried leaving him but that doesnt work.... he will just sit there....and he doesnt yip either... he may run up and down the creek a few yards but thats about it....
Also, besides crossing the creek, he hunts too good to leave him on a chain.... i would give him to Jet308 before i feed a dog to just sit at the house..
Man if there was a bay on the other side of that creek im sure that sucker would cross to get to it

Like I said some dogs will want nothing to do with water, I have a couple but they had a bad experience and they sure did not forget it either lol if its something that bugs you im sure theres someone who wont mind his water issues.
Thats the thing, if there is a bay or if he is on a hog, the water is not a issue... its coming back once they lose it/ kill it/ or whatever that he has a problem with.... Im going to try alittle one on one of making him cross small ditches or creeks and try to work it out of him... he would be an easy dog to sell but i would hate to loose him... hopefully i can work him through it...