I don't have any fancy phones like that don't want one, they are too smart for me, so I can't offer you any advice how to pst from your phone BUT I am sure that you can do it, its just getting it all figured out.
However I suggest to those that post from your phones- IF you really want to use this FREE service, and I am sure you do because of the amount of traffic it gets daily, about the only way you might get more people reading your ad is to put it on craigslist or pay for an advertising service. That being said, since its FREE, maybe it would be worth taking the time to login into a PC or laptop for the whole couple minutes it takes to place your ad on this site, so that you can edit your ad, and make it easier for all of us, okie dokie?
[/b]We are trying to offer a great service to all for free. However it gets ridiculous that the admin and mods have to spend OUR time editting the Crap instead of enjoying the site that we all work for.