This is a new set of dogs I am running.
This is Bones we been hunting him perty hard so he is in excellent hunting shape. He has been a heck of a strike dog for us. Alot of bottom, drive, range the whole package. Sorry he is a little wormy lookin.
This is Itchy. He is our shutdown dog. He has a little bit of a skin problem that we are workin thru but he is solid.
This is Tweaker. I was having alot of trouble getting him to make the rounds I wanted on the B-12 so I hook him up with a little line of Meth ever once in awhile you know like everybody does. He now makes about 10 mile swings and hasn't got the concept of checkin back in but definatly has the range we are lookin for. DOWN TWEAK DOWN!!!!!!
Hope you like the new pack.
sure would like to get me one of thim tweaker itchy cross be one bad dog but what do i know i got a yard full of thim loud mouth plotts