Critter Catcher
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:07:38 pm » |
Well I got to say I do get paid to hog hunt, you just have to provide a needed service to people who need it. I also do predator and nuisance animal control, I do this everyday not just when I get a chance to enjoy the outdoors. I watch the show for entertainment just what it is for, we all hunt different. I'm in the process right now of working on a tv show, won't be anything like L3's style but again everyone has their own style. I trap, snare, and run dogs I doubt very seriously you will see any of my snaring on tv unless they are in a snare alive, PC TV. What I'm getting at is there are ways of getting paid for hunting hogs you just have to want it and go for it and Hogz Gone Wild is a show on the idiot box for entertainment and from what I've seen here it did it's job.....has a lot of people talking, doesn't it.