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Author Topic: hogs gone wild  (Read 11923 times)
Critter Catcher
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2011, 09:31:05 am »

@ Tcolt - I shouldn't have to justify my position but here you go; I don't make a living at hog hunting as of now but I'm working on it because that is my passion, I work an 8 hour day as an Electrical Engineer for a global engineering firm, I hold 2 patents and I own Critter Catcher Wildlife Control. You see colt when you are driven in life you don't wait for things to come to you, you go after them. I do make extra income at trapping, snaring, & running dogs for hogs  but I also handle several other animals and reptiles. I work my 8 hr job then I work 5 to whatever hrs. as wildlife control, so Tcolt life is all about what you make it, if all you do is bitch and complain then you achieve nothing. I work with my county commissioner, aglife department, sheriffs department, Texas A&M, Park and Wildlife, and private land owners. I attend county meeting to discuss the feral hog problems in my county, I get my name in the right circles, that's why I'm on this forum my passion for the sport and my dedication to feral hog control. The biggest problem I see with private land holders is they let some good ol' boy run dogs then he invites a bunch of beer drinking redneck buddys that trash a place then the land owner doesn't want anybody on it, this is a problem that effects everyone that hunts for hogs. I've been doing this a long time and seen a lot of people get out and come in and it will always be that way. I do know this, only jealous and insecure people have to bad mouth others to feel better about themselves and their lack of drive.

As for looking for a place to run my dogs, you will probably see that post again sometime but not anytime soon because I've signed 2 contracts with 2 developers on large tracts of land, yes for money that means I'm getting paid for hunting feral hogs. I posted for a place so I could keep my dogs in shape and keep their noses hot that doesn't mean I didn't have places to hunt just not any big enough to run my pack.

Kevin Daniels TDHA member
Critter Catcher
Feral Hog Removal & Guide Service
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