"Captain Morgan"this was from the Bayed Solid Magazine 2001 issue, their story made the cover, called
Whoopin and Hollering, In memory of Danny Hill the boar had over 6 inch cutters if anybody remembers those pics,
You could bet your A$$ when you walked up on a hog it was caught and under control, did not need anything besides him to get the job done.
two good ones he caught one and soon as it went limp he went after the other one and caught them in this water hole, Get him off a og and he knew it belonged to you, dead or alive, he could behave himself, and catch all day long, He was always ready, for whatever you asked of him, he was our loyal companion, #1 catchdog, fishing buddy, watchdog, livestock gurdian, retriever, and puppy trainer, nurse maid for pups and My friend
He has not been duplicated although he is what we set our standard to, and strive to match, no other fills his paw prints, I love his offspring, and they are great dogs, but I have to admit dogs like him aren't easily reproduced.
here is his legacy, to rememberand to honor him, RIP Big Daddy