Mr. HG
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2008, 07:02:16 am » |
It was not my intention to question your hunting ability or your charcter I was meerly stating and opinion for anybody. I personally turn pups loose where there are hogs at least 4 days a week.I don't put tracking collars on until they really start hunting but every now and then one will pull out and hunt when that happens when I have 10 collars in my truck I feel like a dumb _ ss. About 3 months ago I had some pups down with one older pup they found about a 180 to 200lb boar I didnt have a catch dog I slipped in and shot the boar. All I was saying is be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Before I met Scott about 2 yrs ago the people I hunted with did not use catch dogs we shot over our dogs.We would take 1 or 2 dogs they would bay slip in and shoot dogs pull out go bay another shoot our dogs got where they would get between you and the hog.I know when I put my dogs down anything can happen there is the brazos river,roads,RR tracks,burros, heat so a carry what I wil help me for must all situitions or try to think 2 steps ahead of whats happening but some times we get caught with our pants down still. Thats why most of the time we go look before we turn our bulldogs loose first unless we hear a squeal and even then we are not far thats how I saved Gitdahawg dogs from the no eared hog we went to look first and the rest is history.Good luck