« on: May 25, 2011, 09:00:24 pm » |
That's what I plan on doing Noah, this has been a long dry spell. I remember a couple of years ago my buddy that I hunt with around here and I went 8 trips I think it was without a bark. Hogs get hard to come by around here sometimes. I can't fault Belle and Abby though, they've hunted their butts off for me, just nothing hot enough to run or nothing at all for a track. I'm really proud of Abby, she's coming into her own in the last year. She's about 4 I think, always would run a hog and bay up a storm but not a strike dog at all. She has really made a change this last season starting in south GA this January. Seems she just decided to hunt on her own a lot more, makes larger loops before checking in. She's also started catching more than she used to, she won't take one on by herself if it's much size, but will catch with the rest when need be. She was a bit gunshy for a long time after I got her, but this last season she finally got over that and understood that a gunshot meant swine, now when somebody in our crew shoots she's tuggin' on the lead and wanting to check it out. It's just a matter of time before she runs in on one and bays it up for me. Hey....glad Whaler is making a recovery did good.
It's easy to judge the character of a man, how he treats those that can do nothing for him.