Ain't no more catch dogs going in on him . Just a find dog and one mojo grabber.
and a 20 in. 12 ga. with 1 oz slugs!
When I get a dog killer, a serial dog killer messing me up, I pass shoot it ahead of our plott hounds. I DONT want them to bay it up! We had one kill 9 good dogs, 7 good catahoulas, one of the best yellow curs (call him a BMC if you have too) and a jagdterrier. Last one was my dog. He also cut my old cur in the guts and one of my son's plott gyps same way. All the dogs killed were either gut hooked at the navel or right behind the last rib into gut. A trademark of sort. We tried stalking him in the moon light from down wind with a "hog pipe" full of diesel corn, but he was too smart. He or they were both blasted after running ahead of our plotts for three hours, as it turned out to be a pair of cloned boars around 250 pounds. I felt they were litter mates as they looked identical in everyway, except one had a big bottom tooth broke off. No dogs been killed there to this day and its been 3 years. You in Louisiana would know the location as Cotton Road in Patterson to the Calumet Cut Levee. No "russian" blood to them, just hard gristly feral boars.
THD you are right, I believe one good bay dog and a gun or a pair of hard experienced quick catch dogs is the ticket. If the second dog barks and does not catch, they break and run. That is how we caught near pure European wild boar in Big Sur, California. Once they broke the first bay there, they never stopped running. A pack of bay dogs might get him, but it might cost someone some dogs.