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Author Topic: CLAUDE ARD!!!!!!!  (Read 45699 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 12:53:51 am »

well i was at a gas station here in point TX which is rains county!!! on hwy 69 goen to greenville. he seen me at the gas pump with dog box in the back of the truck, so i guess he thought he would whip right in and talk to me!!! i had no idea who the hell he was but like yall said he talked a real good game.

wanted to know if i hog hunted, i said you bet. said he was goen to meet a guy from OK in greenville that ripped him on a DOG. i said man that sux, he wanted to kmow if i had any dogs i was wanting to sale, my reply no not really!!!
i ask where he was from said beamount or how ever u spell it!!! told me his name was ADAM. then told me he would really like to see my dogs and if we could ride out to my HOUSE RED FLAG GOES UP!!!!! told him no but i would ride out to the house and grab them if wanted to take a look, i had a pair of vizsla`s that i did`nt want and was`nt doen me any good just sitten in the kennel so i told him he could have them i would be right back.

go to the house load up my dogs, always like to show off the pack Grin BAD IDEA!!! come back in to town and he is now where to be seen. well no big deal i was headed out to buy dog food so i went a head and went to greenville to tractor supply to do just that. well on my into town ole CLAUDE A.K.A ADAM waves me down pull into another gas station to shoot the number 2,  i still had no idea who he was...Huh? sit there talken hog doggen looken at my pack of dogs and he starts asking me if i wanted to sale any of them no not really but what are u interested in he says all of them!!!!! tries to offer my $100 bucks a pop for them Angry u talk about pissed off thats some disrespect like MOFO!!!! any how i hold my cool dnt know the guy maybe he is just BS. then he asks me if i ever get on ETHD and if so what did i go by i say yep i go by big chris, he says holly number 2 thats u? i say yep he tells me he goes by REHABHOGHUNTER!!!! dnt know but ok...

then he asks me what i want f or the vizsla male dog in the box so i tell him he can just have the dog!!! sorry if someone bought this dog but as far as i know the dog never even saw hog i had him for a month and never tried in the pen or anything... bout this time he gets a phone call from a buddy of his that posts on this forum and still does!!!! so do ur research.... they talk for a min and claude tells his buddy he is talking to me. i invite them both dwn for a hunt and they tell me to come dwn there for a hunt... well at this time my cousin rodger pulls up and ole claude decides he wants to go so we shake hands exchange numbers and part ways...

meet up with another buddy and start talking and tell him the story and he asks me if i seen a pic would i recognize the guy only been a cpl of hours so im sure i can he shows me the picture and i`ll be damn if it aint the same guy!!!

my buddy tells me him and his dad bought a pair of black and tans from him and the dogs aint worth a crap, another buddy of his had his dog stollen by claude, wemt to the bay pen talked toa cpl other folks that know that has some lead poison for him!!!! then when i posted my little pony for sale or trade he gets ahold of me and has a bada$$ dog he wants to trade me like that chit is gonna happen!!! said he was asking 700 for the BMC that was a 4 year old and wanted to know what else i had to trade for the dog, i can tell u this trade never went any where!!!! i still have the pony... all in all claude ard is a POS and i will never forget his face!!!!

i sure wish we could make a list of beware of dog peddlers, i know of two more that are just as bad as ole claude and im sure yall know some to!!!!

i have plenty more info on him!!!!

Dogs hit the ground noses down! That's how we roll...
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