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Author Topic: Hog dogers respect the law  (Read 2460 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: January 09, 2009, 07:48:00 pm »

Yes, as a former journalist that wants to return to the field, I do view the media in a slightly different light Wink Sure, they get it wrong sometimes, but from experience that is usually due to overworked staffs that can't get enough research, not some perceived bias. And, comparing both of these stories, it sounds like the situation was indeed messed up. In addition to the matching descriptions, it was the game warden that turned them in, not some rogue PETA supporter, and an East Texas sheriff that gave some pretty strong quotes against them. I don't see a problem with the coverage, just the behavior being reported.

So, let's say you are a reporter, and you get the opportunity to do more research on this story. When you search the story, you come across this site. Instead of site members expressing their dismay at the situation, you see it used as a warning. As a reporter, my first reaction would be, what are they hiding?

Why act guilty when we are doing nothing wrong? Yes, there are some bad apples that give hog doggers a bad public image, but what happens when no one stands up to give dog hunters a better name? Instead of running scared, constantly shrinking back from public scrutiny, we should work at representing our sport in a respectful manner. There are plenty of other hunters that do it successfully. Hunting with dogs is intense, but as long as it is legal and we do it responsibly, people shouldn't be ashamed.

The best way to counter the bad press is to replace it with good press. But silence and secrecy is certainly not good press.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 07:50:02 pm by TrueBlueLacys » Logged

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