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Author Topic: Ivermectin ???  (Read 3330 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2011, 08:19:09 pm »

I rotate mine from zimecterin gold paste... enough for a 200# horse... to 1/2 cc ivomec injectible cattle wormer...I had a couple older dogs that had heart worms when i got them and i gave them 1/2cc a week for 3 weeks as the vet instructed, 4 out of 5 died the other one is still kickin today and never showed anymore signs... I always assumed it had killed the worms and they clogged up and resulted in killing the dogs...mite have been wrong..although I would think a strong enough dose of ivomec over a period of time will kill them probably, or mayb not, but i imagine it has just as good a chance... if not  better...as anything else u can get. I have never found anything doccumenting that it kills adult heartworms and probably wont find anything definately proving it will (a) because its designed for livestock and not reccomended for dogs so not many studies would be publicized, and (b) if it was a cure for heartworms it wouldnt likely b published or the pet medicine industry would go outta business lol

100% x2...

I believe ivomec kills the heart worms in a dog but it would take away a major part of a vets income if it were researched and approved... Shocked Huh?

I treated a pitbull with a mega dose of Zimecterin and he seemed to be dying with a heart attack or a stroke about 2 hours later and I crushed an aspirin and gave it to him and in 30 minutes he was up and moving around...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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