I appreciate the feedback. The guy we were hunting with is telling me that they are crap and that I should take them back, but other than that they worked hard and I was proud of them worked harder than the other dogs with us at least. Just gonna make sure to go where I know theres pigs next time so I can really see them work.
i hate to say it brandon but i just read this kinda tickled me pink sayin they worked harder than any dogs both dogs i took were gone the whole time on somethin never worked it out but they were gone urs brought back two dillos my dogs did not bring back nothin but were gone hunting and when they left they left on the same trail we saw them pig track i honestly think since were giving real opinions them two hogs yall caught were seen at night and yall found them dont down someone that has never downed yours ya i mess with micheal he cries but i dont cuz them two dogs got drive and hunted short range but they did not work better that day sorry bud i think ur letting micheal rub off on you cuz that big sow we caught last week was sis's first hog to find but she has always done quite a bit of hunting and she is a full blood pit
and btw we jumped that same sow less than a hundred yards from where ur dogs were we were in the same position in that pasture