Black Gold
« on: January 13, 2009, 06:02:38 pm » |
There are 2 disciplines of thought on feeding RAW.....Some think you need to supplement with vegetables and some think 100% meat is all that is needed. For me it all comes down to vitamins and minerals. If you feed nothing but chicken quarters 100% of the time you might need to supplement, but like TrueBlue said, supplementing with organ meat and fish adds tons of vitamins and minerals not found in basic muscle meat. I subscribe to the 100% meat theory, but make sure I give a good variety on top of my foundation of chicken. Fish and organ meat adds tons of nutrients. Eggs are also a good supplement.....I go raw on eggs as well....(I know there is info out there that says that's not good, but I disagree)
Remember.....In this internet age you can find 100 articles written by PHD's for something and 100 more written by more PHD's with the exact opposite view. I take everything I read with a grain of salt and look for the proof in the pudding. Your dog will show you if something is not right.....When your vet says how good your dog looks then you know something is going right, but the true litmus test is seeing your dog and how it's diet is positively effecting it physically and mentally......That is the proof I look for.
I also look at the politics involved....The dog food industry is a billion dollar industry......When that much money is involved politics get involved......How many vets you know that sell dog food? A lot of it comes down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..............
I would challenge anyone to follow a RAW meat diet for 8 weeks with absolutely no kibble and see for yourself what feeding RAW can do for your dogs. Kibble aint getting any cheaper.....what do you have to loose?
CODY WEISER - WWT Founder & Official Scorer - T.D.H.A. Advisor 