just did the math on the Zimectrin Gold (1.55% Ivomec, 7.75% Praziquantel) Based on the canine dosage rate of each (Ivomec - .002250 mg/lb and Praziquantel - 2.5mg/lb). The tube is advertised to treat one 1,250 lb horse based on the horse admin. rate of (Ivomec - 91mcg/lb and Praziquantel - 454 mcg/lb). Given this info, we can calculate that the entire tube contains 113.75 mg of Ivomec and 567.50 mg of Praziquantel. The ratio being 4.989
Using a 60lb dog for an example, to treat tapes the dog would need 150 mg of praziquantel (60lbs X 2.5mg). Divide that by our ratio (4.989) and to administer that amount of Praziquantel to the dog would be giving the dog 30.066 mg (or cc's) of Ivomec. A 60lb dog needs .135 cc of Ivomec. (60lbs X .002250 mg/lb).
Based on these calculations, Scott is correct. To treat them properly for the tapes, you would probably kill them on the Ivomec.
Ivomec- is for heartworms not intestinal worms in DOGS, although it does take care of some of them some of the time, no other wormers kill heartworms, I vomec is the active ingredient in heartguard that the vets prescribe,
Praziquantel is the active ingredient that kills tape worms that are caused by fleas dogs carry two different strains of tapes and if you got white peices of worm that look like rice crawling out of your dogs but, then you need Praziquantel, I don't care what the label for HORSE wormers say about it, different directins/medications for different species of animals
to be efficient you need to be able to rotate between Safeguard/Pyrantel paomate (yellow colored) and Panacure/Fenbendazol/ Safeguard (white colored) which are whats need for Hook worms, Whip Worms,and Round Worms, which Ivomec is not EFFECIENT at for DOGS.
Ivermectic Gold- has Ivomec and Praziquantel but to get the right dosage of Praziquantel for DOG tapes you will severly overdose on Ivomec for DOGS
HERE IS A QUESTION for you why do Vetrinarians prescribe Heartguard and Heartguard Plus is number one wormer?
Heartguard has Ivomec for Heartworms and also has additional wormers for intestinal worms to be EFFECTIVE