« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2009, 04:34:54 pm » |
The simple answer is this........ If it wont eat the dog first, I feed it to them.
I use chicken from the store when I have to because it is cheaper than anything else. I currently have over 200lb of it in a deep freeze.
That being said, I try to feed anything else first. Pork, venison, a coon or oppossum if it happens across the yard, My roommate shoots gar and carp with his bow and occasionally throws them some of that...... The chicken gets used when Im out of everything else.
Dont worry about bones being too big or anything like that. If the dog can chew and injest it, it will. If not, they will gnaw the meat off and leave the bone.
If I still duck hunted, I would shoot my limit of mud hens every hunt and just throw them to the dogs whole. If you dont like duck, feed them that.