I was told by a "HALL OF FAME FBMC BREEDER" that the pink nose comes from the dogs being bred so tight. I personally have no idea why and could care less but that is what I was told....
I guess I am a little behind on the grand sceme of things when it comes to papered dogs but I have to ask what is the definition of a HALL OF FAME FBMC BREEDER? Sorry just struck me funny aint trying to be rude just curious.
Also I have known several people that have and hunt the pink nosed dogs and they are as you say usually top notch not downgrading them a bit. But just wondering at what point do you quit referring them as a blackmouth since they aint got no blackmouth and will repeatedly throw other pink noses. LOL (Just pokin a bit)
I will have to say they usually prove themselves as solid. MONTY I HAVE SEEN YOURS IN ACTION!!!