Reuben, what was the reasoning for not keeping the bobtails? Preference or what?
There are 2 reasons why I stayed away from the real short bob tails. I read where some of these dogs are short bodied and long legged which makes them not run very well. It is kind of like a Hackney horse that prances. The front foot picks up before the rear foot steps down otherwise the rear foot will step on the front foot. This causes the horse to prance and this could happen with the dogs. I didn't have that problem but was aware of the possibility.
The second reason is what BobbyB was talking about. If you breed too short of tailed dogs together we can have pups that have intestinal problems as well as spinal bifida. I had some dogs with 4-6 inch natural bob tails that were fast and had lots of endurance.I have been told and have read that some pups have been born to a pair of natural bobs that were not developed from the flanks back. It is supposed to be pretty disturbing to see.