mother /son father/ daughter half brother/halfsister then back to grand parents can go for years without new blood just never full brother full siter . benn breeding that way for 10 years now with good results . i breed my dogs just like i breed my roosters
most all our genetic info came by the way of ckicken men still taught in all circles of the globe . out crossing in fowl only comes when needed to bring size back to line . want to talk line breeding get with an old chicken man or buy floyed gurly's book the sientific breeding of game fowl its got pedigree info on boudreaux blind billy a bulldog of extensive line breeding from way back hope this helps
linebreeding/inbreeding works but have to cull hard and select the very best for breeding. The dogs used for breeding have got to be of the best quality and exceptional dogs with the focus being on natural ability. Outcrossing needs to be kept to a minimum to keep the junk out of the gene pool.
To me the most important part of breeding better dogs is in selection of the best.