I think line breeding is great if you have the money, time, and dogs. Linebreeding is not the End All, Be all!!!! It works good if you have the time and money. If you only have a couple decent or good dogs and you think to yourself I should start linebreeding you probly shouldnt!
GREAT dogs are the only one's that should be thought about breeding or line breeding. People like Larry Parker have got it down to a Science and you see the results. He made it his life work to produce a top notch hunting dog in his eyes and he has done it. I see people commenting on this thread about breeding this and that, Mike seems to have it in place with his Tweety dog but dont go linebreeding/inbreeding junk and expecting to find your next Superstar! Like Reuben said it takes years and generations to get where your Click or Pack needs to be. We dont need a bunch of 3 legged 4 eyed dogs running around! CULL HARD!!!!!!