i personally wouldnt play with weiners and boar p... lol what if you end up training them to only run boars and not sows lmao

but thats just me, the best training on a 3-4 month old pup is on a live hog by that age, take a pig bout 60# and let em bay it, as they progress over a month or so tie the pig and drag it a hundred yards or so and let them go find it, even if u have to walk them down the trail u drug it down if they dont follow it on their own, keep doin it till their consistently doin it on their own and gradually extend the distance each time, by 6-7months they should be goin to the woods with older dogs learning the ropes and takin hogs and turnin loose and lettin them run em and such on "mock hunts" just my opinion, works pretty good for me, theres no substitute for a live pig