Ya Bryant bulldogs ONLY go to a bay too... Who wants to train a pup to just go to a bay? That's why there's so many help dogs in the world today... Pups should first bay a hog on their own a few times, watch other pups bay a time or two, then they should b fired up enough over a hog to put the bark and the oink together as an objective... And b ready to hit the woods and b taught to find hogs, then bay them... I think it's a waste of time to put going to a bay before learning to go hunt... I don't want a dog that quits a track just cuz another dog bays, that's a help dog;) if hes just out huntin and hears a bark thats one thing and most no whats at the end of a track and naturally go to a baying dog... But not many that know to bay know how to put it at the end of the track... As pups...guess we have different objectives but I raise my dogs to b independent. Jmo