Opinions are like buttholes everyone has one and most stink.
Hogdoggers usually have the largest.
You folks that don't think genetics are very much the makeup of most great dogs than keep buying them $30 pups and waisting 2 yrs of feed and your time on something thats never gonna be what you want.
If having 30 dogs tied to every tree in a yard and telling everyone you have 30 hog dogs is your deal than go for it.
I will keep my money on genetics and keep producing proven stock where in a couple of yrs look back and say I have something and not flooding this site with all my culls.
any pups on my yard are raised there, got 9 dogs on my yard, 2 outside dogs outta proven bloodlines, a catch dog, a full finished birddog, and the rest are line bred at my house and have been tight bred for close to 40 yrs, and i feel safe saying i own hog dogs. dont raise a bunch of pups till i need some and have plenty culls afterwards. I play around with outcrosses and such from time to time same as most but i have been around enough dogs to safely say genetics give higher percentages but it wont make an outstanding dog all by itself