I gave a pup outta my dogs that came from Randy wright to a buddy that lives in a neighborhood in magnolia He raised the dog to be a house dog At a little over a year old he took the dog to his in laws land where the dog saw his first cow He bunched them and bayed for several hours all by himself until was called off I'd say genetics played a large roll
the cows prob been worked by dogs before and my wifes lap dog will run and stand nose to nose with a cow, as long as she dont try to catch why would the cows break? now if the dog trailed and bunched up a herd of cows in the woods and bayed that long on some woods cows then you might impress me?
Totally agree
I wasn't trying to impress you I was giving my thoughts on the subject, FYI the cows wernt dog broke maybe ur lap dogs are as good as my curs
no im sorry for sounding like a jerk. im sure it offended you but im reading the opinions here and its very intresting subject, but it seems the genetics group is gang piling the trainers, so i was picking out some of the things that could be loop holes. by the way, i belive in the genetics to a degree but at the same time i have seen what i call dog men work and spend alot of time in the wood with their dog and i know for a fact the dog could have never been that good in someone elses yard. so training can make a difference in a dog.