I've tryed to explain it but I give up.
I hope all the pound dogs turn out for those guys.
And apperantly it can't be done ,none of the real dog trainer have stepped up for the deal I offered.
Come on guys you will work with a dog for 2 yrs and sell them for $800 to $1500 but wont take one for a yr and make $7500.
Putting on Devils advocate Hat, How about all of the pound dog trainers take up a collection and buy a pup from your bloodline, then the pound and you train it to go 500 yards, bark off the hood, turn on Klingon Cloaking Device when dumped off and follow a hog 3 miles by itself and bay up hogs and drive them to a pen and close the gate and lock it's by itself. If your super dog to die for strain does not do what you require the dog trainers to do you pay $7500 to them?? Surely your offer is good for the goose as well as the gander??? LOL just stiring the pot for the dog pound kettle mutts i got....What say ye???