Critter Catcher
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« on: August 10, 2011, 09:51:24 am » |
The old timers used many rememdies that still hold water today regardless of there fact or fiction as seen in the eyes of some, vet medicine has developed and reached light years past the days of old but it doesn't mean the old timers had it wrong they didn't have to justify the reason but rather knew it worked. Why in the world would you ignore some of the medical remedies of times gone by just because a man that run dogs to live rather than a hobby found out he could avoid the expense of a vet and handle these issues himself. Now I'm not saying I don't use a vet because I do but if there is a "Old Timers Remedy" that I feel will work I will use it without question.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 09:10:46 pm by Critter Catcher »