« on: August 13, 2011, 02:22:57 pm » |
For those of you who asked, yes it was moved to rants and raves however the "nice" people at craigslist failed to include my response.
Here is what i posted, along with the original post and the initial response. Top is mine, middle is the derogative post and the initial post at the bottom.
First id like to say I dont know Mack, to my knowledge I have never met him. I however do hunt hogs with dogs and have for years. I take every precaution I can to ensure my dogs do not get injured while doing the job they and I love. Now that being said I have a college degree (two in fact) and have a professional job. I also own my own home (not a trailer a 3/2 with a pool, fire place and large yard) so the "uneducated idiots" phrase is a little insulting. Hunting hogs and cows with dogs is a long standing tradition in Fl, and if youve never done it give it a try. Ive also been "gored" by a hog while hunting and yes IT HURTS. Which is why I have spent a great deal of money on protective equipment for my dogs. As for the misspelled words and other gramitical errors, I would suggest proof reading next time. Too many periods and a pretty long run on sentence. Oh and if youve never been hunting with dogs, or seen the destruction hogs have done to land used to grow the food a city boy/girl eats wouldnt that make you ignorant to the subject? I would like to thank you however for your totally biased and ignorant comment of the people who made this place suitable for Liberal (im guessing Yankee) people like you to inhabit.
If youd like to try hunting with dogs feel free to shoot me an email and we'll see if your opinion of the hunters or dogs changes. Oh and since your unfamiliar. No Guns, just bring a pocket knife and change of clothes, and well see if you have the fortitude to grab a large angry boar hog bare handed.
Truly yours,
An "uneducated idiot" hog dogger.
Oh Mack. Poor, poor, sweet Mack...With 14 words misspelled and tons of other grammar, punctuation and capitalization errors, I'd like to thank you wholeheartedly for reinforcing my theory that only uneducated idiots use their dogs for hunting.
Be a man and get out there and catch those hogs your own damn self. Let them gore you a few times so you can see how it feels.
Has Been on 100+ hogs really good at it to. Always on the ear been none to tear the dam things off befor i can get there. Shes been cut prety good but wont let go Till u tell her to/ break her lock jaw. SHE GOES TO THE BARK!!! I used her as a runing catch dog but when i got her she was a leash dog nd wont pull the number 2 out of you. She lisens very well and wont fight i can promise that. Doesnt bark in the cage or box or wine. She has all of her teeth to.I kept her in a 15x10 cage with 2 other dogs she doesnt try to be the boss.
100$ I got a hole year put into her like to get my moneys worth please dont wait i need her gone.
I have to down size my dogs geting way to much money to afford.
CALL or TEXT 239-699-0000 names mack