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Question: Do you immediatly cull or attempt to salvage the no go Hogdogs?
I completely cull - 17 (38.6%)
I attempt to utilize as Cowdog before culling - 13 (29.5%)
I prefer dog to bay both - 6 (13.6%)
I prefer Cowdog culls to train as Hogdogs - 8 (18.2%)
Total Voters: 44

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Author Topic: Hogdog culls or Cowdog gold  (Read 10061 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #80 on: August 15, 2011, 01:05:41 pm »

I made my mind up in the mid 80's about certain breed of dogs and the breeds I am talking about were cow dogs. I tried them on hogs and a high percentage did not have the hunt or nose. I hunted with some dogs that had some hound in them and I saw some real hog dogs with these crosses.

I also saw where the old time mtn curs were hard to beat because they were hard hunting dogs and they were bred for hunting, all they needed was to be shown what was to be hunted.

I have heard about some good combination cow/hog dogs and these that I have heard about are raised from hardcore men who make a living working and catching cows. And these men are dogmen so if I wanted a cow dog for a hog dog I would most definitely buy a few pups from these type of dogs. Most people who raise these type of dogs guard their bloodline and usually do not sell or give away their pups. I am pretty sure these are the type of dogs Silverton is talking about...

I also know that there are some good cow dog stock out there that has been converted to a hog hunting strain of dogs like YellowBlackMask's line of yeller dogs. But more than likely his line of dogs come from the all around cur dog that worked livestock and hunted for the ranch folks. Just good all around ranch dogs of the past...

I also knew of some good jude hart bred all around cow/hog dogs but I went to his yard a few years after he passed away and his son tried to sell me some dogs that did not look like Jude Hart dogs.


If I cull a dog it will not go for hunting or even working cattle because a cull is a cull. Might not always be true but the percentages are always against the dog once he is culled.

According to what Silverton describes as a good cow dog then I know for a fact it wouldn't work and a hog dog can not be made from a culled cow dog because both descriptions are so similar.

I do know some folks sometimes going thru the trouble of converting a squirrel dog to coon dog or to hunt something else because the dog does not like this game or that game. A good hunting dog should hunt what you want it to hunt or it is a cull.

One exception I can think of right now is if the hunting tree dog hunts real good but does not hold a tree...+ this dog can sometimes make a hog dog.

The only place for a cull is  for a pet/companion or just a good ole ranch dog.


Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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