YBM- Im not saying they dont try to run as much, the dogs just shut them down alot easier in the winter time. They pretty much always get shut down. But we end up on more mile runs in the summer, and more like 50 yrd runs in the winter. I also send my cd's almost right away weather it be 50 yrds or 500. So we dont have any break if her gets their before they make a run for it. But if they do break before, they stop them alot quicker in the winter than the summer.
Mike- Im a few hours north of you, I get down in the Huntsville area every now and then, but mostly Kaufman and VanZandt counties... we dont have palmettoes. We got the briars and all that, but almost everything we hunt has cattle run on it so it helps alot. Still dont do much in the summer when the under brush comes out though lol.
One thing I think thats funny is that when we hunt in the summer on ET places, my little 25# lacy dog is always the one out front keeping up with the hog. Durring the winter its a toss up as to who is leading, and like I said, they dont break far in the winter very often . But when they are on a dead run in the summer, she will be 100+ yrds ahead of other dogs. She is fast, but my guess is her size she is able to get through the tight spots and thick stuff easier.