One of my ranchers, that I really respect(hard headed as they come

), used to hog hunt a lot when he was younger... He owns an OLD OLD line of Florida cow dogs that have been in his family a long, long time... The dogs have great natural instinct but are lacking "physically" in my opinion... but that's besides the point...
...anyways, he had always told us about the hound/cow dog cross and what good hog dogs he'd had from that cross so he up and went and breed one of his gyp cow dogs to a sure-e-nuff bear dog owned by Brad Mcnaltin... only 2 of em made it to huntin' age, one we culled because of no interest... the other belongs to my huntin' partner Lee now...
Inconsistent dog to this point, comin' 2yo... sometimes she uses her nose and trails one up... sometimes not... loose dog that's not gonna get another dog hurt... but sure not gonna make a runner stop..