I m not sure about corps land and forrest you might can hunt it on foot does anybody know? I coon hunted on corps land when my buddy had it leased for grazing. You can hunt coons on Ft hood with dogs but no hogs. Why not?
From what I understand....there is a fella out of gatesville that has a contract for the hogs....he makes all the decisions and rules regarding hogs. Apparently dogs are not on his approval list. This is only hearsay
That's right and he's got a heck of a racket going there too. He's got it so that you can't even place a stand or feeder within 150 yards in any direction of his traps. The good hog areas will have traps almost like they are set in a grid exactly 300 yards apart. He can shut down a big piece of property with 5 or 6 traps. You can't use a blood trail dog on Hood either. I asked a game warden about using a dog to trail a wounded deer and he asked me " Why would you want to wound a deer?"