« on: August 17, 2011, 06:08:00 pm » |
x s 2 fire medic ! I wonder if they ain't just really wanting them to get good and populated and then charge the hell out of people to hunt them . we didn't used to have turkeys here ,twra moved them in , not just on the wma's but onto private farm land . now they are destroying peoples gardens and scratching around like chikens in peoples yard . i planted 12 acres of my place in corn to pay my ever increasing property taxes and help with the farm payment . the turkeys have torn down 3 rows on the side next to the woods where they nest . yet if i get caught shooting one out of seoson to eat - or a hen anytime i could go to jail longer than i would for drug manufacturing . it costs 600 a acre to put out corn AND THATS BEFORE IT COMES UP ! now the game wardens we have here now wouldnt do that BECAUSE they grew up in the real world like me . whats gonna happen when they retire and they hire some youg punks that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground ?
twra have protected and regulated deer hunting so close that they are eating plants off of peoples patios in places . my dad pulled some strings and got a permit to shoot them , they have killed nearly 200 since may, and still on just one 50 acre farm he figures they are gonna cost him 6;000 .
i wonder how much more money they have took in on hunting liscense / tags from out of state since the deer and turkey got over populated ? all at the expense of the taxpaying native tennesseans trying to make a living off the land their daddies and grandaddies left and entrusted to them !
something is fundamentally wrong here , my people came in here across the mountains and forded the creeks and rivers , defended their lives against indians outlaws , the british , the yankees , the carpetbaggers and a whole world of other difficulties , and now the country they helped make is being ruined by lawyers and polticians behind our backs while we are minding our own business !
hogs are getting closer to my county by the week and when they get here , i won't have to go as far to hunt !
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 06:22:10 pm by jdt »