La Historia Dogo
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2011, 01:53:16 pm » |
I don't see anything funny about grown men bashing people they don't know, like a bunch of teenage girls at the prom. But if it makes you feel better about the dogs you have, then be my guest and talk as much trash as you need.
Shane, I don't quite get your attitude online. In person you had nothing but great thing to say to me about the only dogo of my breeding that you have hunted behind.
Marv, Tooting my own horn would be telling you that I am the breeder, owner, and handler of the #1 Dogo in the US(conformationally, figured SOME of you needed that spelled out). She took best female, and best Junior under one of the most influential breeders in the breed today. And she hunts. Is she the best hunter in the world? Don't know, don't care. She finds them and catches them, thats all that matters to me. I don't own a farm that needs crops protected. But what I do know, is I have been hunting in TX with a couple of you, and I saw a hog run right in front of the UTV and not one of the dogs running on the ground saw, smelled or heard it. DRY RUN. I have never been on a hunt with my dogos, that I have seen a hog and the dogs not find and catch it.
Oh and taking pictures everytime you hunt is as much of blowing your own horn as you can. Pictures are for showing off. When I am hunting, I am trying to get every dog home safe, and you don't need a camera for that.