I ran some core land. You want to keep as low profile as you can and have to use your head when hunting public land. I would never run during deer season and if I had to it would be at night. No point because you know there are going to a bunch of idiots in the woods and I dont want my dogs shot. You also have to think about the future of running dogs. If you piss the deer hunters off, when it comes rule making time the deer hunters will win everytime...We as hog doggers have the cards stacked against us. I'm already seeing it around me. Prime example I know a few guys in town that have no business running dogs that will go down in the bottoms during the prime of deer season during the day and run hogs around in circles. The core guys was hearing alot of flack about it from the deer hunters and ol be damned if the new rules came out saying NO HOG DOGS ALLOWED...Alot of these core and public lands say nothing about running hogs with dogs but if the high ups hear about it will likely be changed against us..Just my thoughts..
ole shep ^^^^^^^^^^^^