Chris, he was left in the pasture with a set of yearlings untill middle of Feb. when he went on feed. I just added it up and he was on feed for about 150 days. I put him on a comercial starter ration for the first 21 days and then a comercial finishing ration after that. Free choice BMR Sudan round bale at all times. I bet he weighed about 1050 when I put him on feed
Worked him up to 25lbs of feed per day with all the roughage he wanted. This steer got stale about 40 days out so I turned him out for 10 days and when he came back in he really hit the feed bunk. Hauled to the processer the middle of July.
Processing cost was $675.00, feed cost was about $6.00/day.
Do you reckon it's safe to say he would have brought ~ $800-850.00 before you started feeding him?