holy-water-cow batman!!! old post but dang i wish we were buddies at that time i would have been first in the water
AHHH.... GOOD TIMES!!! You must've been diggin' ta find this old post!

Thanks SC! That says a lot about people that would do crap like that for the fun of it.... MY KINDA PEOPLE!!!!!

Them ranchers down south still tell stories about me ropin' the first bull... I was all jacked up on adrenaline, I dove off the front of an airboat... ran the biggest bull down in the water... through a loop over his head and dallied his ass solid to a palm tree... all in about 3 seconds...

(mind you, this was the very first of the bunch anyone had messed with... and no one, other than me, really had any other plan... so I took it upon myself to get the "hard one" outta the way first lol )
...WELL.... that ol' bull(that had never been restrained in his life) hit the end of that rope and I mean ta tell you he went up in the air prolly 20'... looked like a damn large mouth bass in the air tryin' ta shake a hook!!!

.... problem was I was under neath him!!!

After several acrobatic moves I managed to pull the slack out with his flailing and got him snubbed tight to the palm... chokin' his ass out so "we" could hog tie him..........
.................. When I looked over my shoulder for help, the men in the boats just stared blankly at me... not ONE of them even made a move ta come help me.... bunch a lilly livered sissies!!! HAHA!! .... They wanted to go after the easy ones first to see how it was gonna work out, so I reluctantly let the big boy loose only to catch him the same way the followin' day!!