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Author Topic: hillbilly hand fishin  (Read 4182 times)
Alpha Dog
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Cody Everett

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« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2011, 06:11:26 pm »

why stop speakn ur piece? its ur right to say how u feel, utilize ur rights b4 they r gone. if soe1 has thin skin, then of freakn well. grow a thickr layer or end ur life. to many butt hurt folks nowdays.

While everyone is speaking their peace... I was raised to never swing from the other side of the plate, never go to bat for the other team and never dabble in mud with other men... ewww, I just threw up in my mouth. With that being said I would like to apologize for a whole generation which I was born right in the middle of. I feel that it was those born around the early to late 80's that put homosexuality in TV, movies and in public, which in turn helped everyone else join to push it main stream. When you say
Our country has turned into a bunch of sheep
That is the winning answer. The rectal rangers have some sort of weird heterosexually challenged pride going on but they stick together to get what they want. Is straight pride to common to fight for? Is the good book too much to fight for? As long as we cower down to everything that isn't right and is unjust, it will keep happening. How long before all burgers are made of soy? How long before all meats are made of by-products and tofu? One day someone will take a stand but until then they will keep picking us apart community by community and state by state.

The main thing that aggravated me is I worked for a company who had set rules on insurance dependents (one man one woman and kids). A few years later I was helping out a buddy by getting him hired. He had a child out of wed-lock and was still with the girl but not married. After 90 days he was able to get health insurance. He got insurance on him and his child but was not able to get insurance on the mother of his child. BUT!!! There was and is a section on the form where you can get insurance on your life partner. RIDICULOUS!!!

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

So raise your pistols but not the meat pistol... they might want to play Tongue

We'll all be equal under the grass, God's got a heaven for country trash

"The problems we face today are there because the people who work
for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
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