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Author Topic: hillbilly hand fishin  (Read 4171 times)
Alpha Dog
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Cody Everett

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« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2011, 08:11:28 pm »

I may have strayed a little from the topic... JDT was complaining about seeing them two colon cowboys on the TV. The problem is that they are showing rectal wranglers on tv, and movies. Just like they released the movie brokeback mountain. No one wanted to see Jake Gyllenhaal ride the two legged pony. The stuff is there whether we like it or not. Things like this, drugs, fornication, adultery and many other morally and biblically wrong actions have been pushed onto our TV as acceptable things to watch. Just like how certain curse words have recently been allowed in pg movies and you can show a boob but not a nipple on pg13 movies. Certain things should be left up to us parents to be able to let our child see... not left up to us to work our tails off to hide from them. I am also sure that JDT would not watch the show cheaters with his kids then high 5 when the spouse gets cheated on.

You make a valid point J.Prince and all of it is wrong but to answer that I would have to be put in that situation but I can tell you one thing . If he is my friend and is thinking about coming out of the closet... he better stay in if he wants to stay friends. It is the openly and publicly that I don't like... It just don't sit right

We'll all be equal under the grass, God's got a heaven for country trash

"The problems we face today are there because the people who work
for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
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