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Author Topic: hillbilly hand fishin  (Read 4031 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2011, 02:41:22 pm »

Charles yes I did rebel plenty. In your first post though you said that with the right upbringing they had a lower chance of being gay. So I don't know why you are asking me about rebelling? I was stating that most gay ppl did have the right upbringing. So I don't think they rebel and are gay just because someone told them not to be. Huh? That's all beside my original point anyway cause honestly I don't care why they are that way.

What i'm trying to say is if you don't agree with it fine, because I dont either. I just don't understand how we can look down on one person, because of their sins, but be fine with another person who has commited sin. If you don't agree with their ways ok fine but don't say that it is because what they are doing is a sin, because we all sin everyday and technically no sin carries a heavier load. If you don't like it you don't like it, just like I don't like it. There's where my problem lies is when ppl get so hung up on one thing that is wrong that's in the bible, but choose to look over so much that is in the bible, daily. So once again if you dislike their ways so be it dislike their ways for what they are, not because they are sinners.

As far as them expressing their ways in the media I dont agree with it either. It really irritates me as well, and I don't think we should be quiet about, but it is their right to express themselves as they please, just like it is our right to express our ways. Our nation is set up to give everyone equal rights, not just straight christian men.

I know my views will upset a lot of folks and again I am not trying to make anyone agree, I just want to state my opinion just like everyone else here. I am not going to get involved with this thread anymore cause we will all be arguing til the end of time. So if anyone wants to discuss it more feel free to pm me or I can give you a call. Either way I don't mind I am open to listen to your ideas as long as you will here me out as well. I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything I just like to share my thoughts just like everyone else.

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