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Author Topic: hillbilly hand fishin  (Read 4220 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #60 on: September 09, 2011, 02:37:17 pm »

I am just curious here. I am not supporting homosexuality, in anyway, but I would like to ask a couple questions for folks who hate the homos so passionately. Personally I don't agree with it, but as long as you keep it away from me its your business. My main question here is it really the unholiness that you guys despise, or is it just the fact that its two dudes together? For example, if you were out to eat somewhere and there was a waitress who was a smoking hot lesbian would you refuse her service, or would it be ok be cause she is a homosexual woman? Example 2: you have two friends you have known equally as long are complete equals when it comes to your friendship. One is married, one is single. The single friend comes to you one day and says he just wants to let you know he has come to terms with it and ready to come out and admit that he is gay. Your married friend comes to you a while later and tells you he cheated on his wife. What do you do? Do you disban your friendship with both of them because both of them have commited serious sins? Or do you just stop being friends with the gay one cause he is a queer now, and your married friend gets a pass cause what the heck it's just adultery. Or do they both get a pass cause its your friends and not someone else? I guess what i'm trying to get at is... is every sin not equal? Does homosexuality carry a heavier punishment than adultery, murder, or stealing? I know personally I am not going to hate someone because of who they love. And as a christian aren't we suppose to except others and their flaws? If someone can murder someone, then apologize, and give himself to the lord, and worship the lord until the day he dies, and then get into heaven it is hard for me to believe that all the homosexual ppl are going to hell because they happen to love someone of the same sex. So what it boils down to, to me is if you want to hate someone for being gay ok then hate them but I don't think its right to say it is because god would want you to hate them. I know the god I pray to at night would want me to forgive them for their sins, and try to help them. And if you are gonna look down on someone for their sins than look down on everyone equal because everyone has sinned and we can't put a different weight or punishment on different sins. Once again I am not supporting homosexuality I am just trying to show a different point here, because sometimes we allow ourselves to become to judgmental and look past things we choose to look past.

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I actually had a friend from highschool who turned out to be gay....weird cause in highschool he was picking up girls too.  He was raised from a wealthy family in our small town and it was pretty shocking honestly. I don't hate him but i don't really associate with him anymore because of the choices he makes.  I think anyone that is in a committed relationship and cheats is a p.o.s. in my book as well.  I had a guy i was friends with that i found out cheated on his fiance regulary and then made disparaging comments about my own wife... p.o.s. in my book. i don't talk to him anymore and didn't front him out to any of his friends cause it's not my place, but i was made to look like the p.o.s.  i think it's up to you to make your own personal decisions. if you don't like whats on TV or the movies don't watch them.  I don't watch much television at all because of the crap they deem suitable for kids or families period.  That's the wonderful thing about this country is your freedom of choice. God will pass the final judgement in the end, and quite frankly he's a lot better at his job than we are.  that's my 2 cents.
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