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Author Topic: ?on laying drags for dog  (Read 791 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: September 17, 2011, 11:25:10 am »

if you are using a canvas drag you put the sent on the dragand store it in a ziplock bag . and when you drag a piece of hide it is still stronger at the finish . the drag works the same way . the animal smells the same all the time and the further it gets from point [A] the weaker the sent is at point [ A ] . but i just use a piece of hide stored in the freezer for pigs . the sent will be  powerfull at a wallow and get stronger leaving the wallow  and weaker coming into the wallow . much like using the canvas drags and sents . a dog with any hunt smarts will figure this out quick , some knuckle heads will take longer .

x2...need to simulate hunting conditions...otherwise will be teaching dog to back track. Grin

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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