I'm with PastryGirl. I have fybromyalgia as well, and making sure she gets plenty of exercise is my key. I would also suggest making sure she stay well hydrated. Also, tell her to keep track of the days where she hurts the most, and what's going on during those days. I know for me, being a woman, I hurt the most around Day 12-16 and 25-30. Tell her that and she will know what I mean
I also notice that sleeping longer than 8 hrs makes me hurt worse. I have been told that lots of Protien an Calcium will help, but have never really tried it. I've also noticed that alcohol makes it worse, so I always keep Ibuprofen close when I am gonna be drinking. Asprin does nothing for me, but I don't know about anyone else. I have to take 4 Ibuprofen, instead of just the usual 2, but my doctor told me that isn't an issue as long as I don't do it daily. I have also noticed that high rise jeans KILL me... I wore them for years, and then bough tmy first pair of ultra low rise cruel girls and realized about halfway through the day that my back hadn't hurt at all. Been wearing low rise jeans ever since and it helps tons.
If y'all need any help with anything, just let us know, and I'm sure we all could help you.