As for the water management shot callers...
I see those jackoffs the same way I see the current salt water fisheries management council... taking resources away from the people using uneducated, FABRICATED science/statistics to justify rules meant to make money for the private sector... Insider trading with national resources...
I read a good quote the other day and it pretty much sums up how I feel on this subject... "when injustice become law, REBELLION becomes DUTY."
I have always respected just and logical law... I do not, however, abide by nonsense bureaucratic red tape. The good law enforcement officers AND JUDGES know the difference...
I 100% support the management of all resources, but when one sees that the government is abusing it's power concerning "public use" of "public land"... what else is there to do but REBEL.
I foresee a whole new generation of outlaws being created by current government mangagement practices...
I agree 100%...
and this is worth repeating...
I read a good quote the other day and it pretty much sums up how I feel on this subject... "when injustice become law, REBELLION becomes DUTY."
I read a good quote the other day and it pretty much sums up how I feel on this subject... "when injustice become law, REBELLION becomes DUTY."