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Author Topic: Loose or Rough and Justify  (Read 4505 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2011, 08:54:17 pm »

Well this has been discussed more times than the sun has come up and went back down but I'll bite...

I've got loose baying dogs and they have stopped lots of hogs that rough dogs made run all day. In my opinion, I think most hogs aren't threatened by a dog until the dog gets too close or bites it. I've seen some bad hogs stand there and let loose dogs bay them all day and throw in a rough dog and he's headed to the next county.

I brought 3 other guys that all had their own pack of rough dogs to this spot and they ran this hog all day. I went back a couple weeks later and bayed him in about the same spot and kept him bayed for 2 hours with 2 loose dogs.

Hey NechesBobcat.... why don't you show me the ending to that video and I'll be impressed.

There's PLENTY of dogs out there that can bark at a hog... show me a BAY dog that can hold a hog tight long enough to get a CATCH DOG to it(and I'm not talkin' about a bloody RCD) and then you can talk chit.

I apologize if you just decided not to show the ending to that clip when you walked your CD right up to that "bayed up" hog and CLIPPED your catch dog on his ear...  maybe you can show us the rest of it then?  Grin

TOO MANY DILLHOLES think they got baydogs just because their dog can find and bark at a F'n hog... ask them to catch that hog with THEIR OWN CATCH DOG and see what you got then....

On a side note, your dogs looked good... just like to see you finish it if you gonna talk smack about rough dogs...

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