Thats sure a fine looking up shot of your fiest or terrier, any idea what bloodline, what kind of squirrel was he treeing there or was it a big ol fat coon in nest?? I am so ashamed when i see the size of that tree as well, we bulldozed so many down like that down here on the bottoms it was a sin, was this in texas or where if you dont mind, do you still have that dog and hunt squirels??? Have you ever hunted him on climbing game at night or on hogs once in a while?? I have about 20 that i load up in my old wolf dog box and drive around the 30 deer feeders after the hunters leave in Feb, I dump them only after i shoot into the hogs with some mini 14 rounds and make sure i hit 2 or 3 real good since i am so crippled down now days especially i am alone down there, I also live to catch coons hanging around the feeders a night robbing that high dollar corn and dump them on em as well, like a chinese firedrill with all them lumberjack matching back and forth, them coons pretty stout from eating corn omg weigh more than the lil fiests but when one gets its mouth around the coons neck its heave ho!!! Thanks for posting all of these pictures guys!!!!
No telling on the bloodline. I bought him as a pup from an old man that said his parents were good squirrel dogs and he would be too. I use him for everything from coons, squirrels, hogs, and elephants... I hunt with him all the time. He's 6 years old now. I don't think there's anymore where he came from but I'm more than willing to let him father some pups (he's more than willing also). That picture was taken in the Sabine River Bottom in Texas. Anybody that ever wants to go on a good squirrel hunt, he's more than willing to travel.