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Author Topic: German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois  (Read 14428 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2011, 08:46:48 am »

Let me start this post by saying I am new to the world of hog hunting with dogs, and this is one of the few forums I have come across. I have been hunting a few times with some friends who use BMCs, cats, and american bulldogs. My background with dogs is with schutzhund or protection trained dogs. My personal german shepherd is a SCH2 dog.  For those not familiar with Schutzhund, go to youtube and search it.  In a really raw version, it is a dog tracking a human, baying it, then attacking when need be. After going hog hunting a few times,  I thought to myself a german shepherd or malinois (malinois especially)would be perfect for hog hunting. But yet I see no one using any kinds of these dogs. With their incredible noses, and incredible bites, to me, it seems like these breeds would make awesome hunting dogs. I have seen these dogs drag 200lb men in bite suits around like its nothing, so my thinking is surely they could be trained to do the same thing on hogs. Basically what I am asking is has anyone heard of people using these breeds. Has it worked for them? If not, then why so. Like I said, I am greener than goose s**t when it comes to hog dogs. But from my schutzhund background, I think those breeds could work. I am just looking for anyones else opinions on the matter. Thanks.

I had a german shepard we got from the pound 30 years ago, hunted it for several years as a nut dog, it would strike but was always catching on big boars, stayed cut up most of the time, but it figured out finally that bad boars he could shut down by chewing out the nut sack, many many times we would find him at daylight near a tank with a hog in it with chewed off ears or nutsack, at daylight he would come to the truck and find us and take us back to where the hog was, one could tie a hog to his harness and he would pull it out by himself, he really loved to hunt and drag hogs for sure, he was finally killed by a javelina in a tinhorn as he went inside it before we could find and hear him and get em out, javelina got his jugular vein, i carried him out to the truck as he bled to death but we did not make it, was pretty sad, he never barked on track but would bark on a bad hog, anthing else he fought it or caught it with other dogs, this was running him with black mouth curs and 2 pit bull catch dogs, GS are very smart and a straight pack would prob be pretty rough on hogs for sure, they got to be one o the smartest dog breeds for sure???


Rat Terriers aka fiests  black white tans, solid black and tans,  solid red,  ratting, squirrel  varmit stock from ranch raised varmit dogs, 10 to 30 pounds (for sale)
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